Sometime unknowingly to us, majority of our decisions is controlled by what others think about us. We get so desperate to impress, that we move off our purpose. Our entire life can be defined by public opinion to the extend that, we take impulsive decisions.

Weighing things to see if the price is worth the value is a normal part of humans. You don’t want to buy something at a heavy price just to watch it give you problems later. Things may look more attractive to grab but you just don’t hop on it without making a decision to see whether it is worth our attention or not.
We may know the consequences of our actions but we choose to ignore it or hope it turns out better to our favour. Choose the battles you want to fight and analyse if the price to be paid is worth the value.

As part of the devil’s distractive plans, he hides the price (consequences), and makes the offer attractive to have. The world can be too loud to the extent that, we sometimes don’t pay attention or ignore the details of the consequences of our actions before we act.

Proverbs 14 :12 “There Is a way that seems right unto men but the end therefore is the ways of death”

Don’t expose yourself to an influence that is distractive, but be intentional about what action you want to pay attention to. We have the free will to choose but be reminded that there’s consequences to every actions or inactions and ignorance is surely not an excuse to escape from the consequences. We always have the right to choose but we won’t have total control of the consequences of our choices.

The devil, if allowed can blind our eyes and deceive us Into taking actions that doesn’t magnify our Lord. At the expense of our God-given destinies, we seek comfort and enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sins, the results of this is too costly to bare, ignoring the narrow way just because the broad way looks attractive is deadly.

Allow the Holy Spirit to help you discern in your decision making process, not only will you be delivered from expensive mistakes but you will also be in the perfect will of God. Be intentional about the decision you want to take because ignorance is costly and regret is avoidable, so be divinely guided.

Confess to yourself everyday that “ I’ll be productive”, pray for the Holy Spirit to help you stay focus on the right goals, and help you cut all forms of distractions, so you can fix your eyes on Jesus, who will reveal to you the hidden mysteries of the world one which eyes has not seen nether has ears heard .
The devil’s destructive schemes used to prey on your destiny will be uncovered and you’ll surely be set free.

Pray with me
Our God and Heavenly father thank you for your word that has come forth to deliver me from ignorance. Father forgive me for making excuses and not paying attention to making godly decisions. Holy spirit I ask that, You influence my life and renew the right spirits within me. Lead me in taking godly decisions and bring me into God’s perfect will. This and many more I pray in the mighty name of Jesus.
