Good intention, the desire, partial obedience and partial commitment are not enough in pleasing God. We cannot serve God using your own terms and conditions. As born-again Christians we have to be intentional about our growth and walk with God. God never forces His will on us, so we have to be faithful in giving ourselves wholly to the relationship with Him.

Being intentional about your walk with God is all about being discipline and committed with the relationship with God, being prayerful, letting the word of God be your guide and commanding your flesh to submit to your spirit. As a born-again Christian, we are suppose to pay much attention to the needs of our spirit. You can’t be pleasing your flesh and expect God to be happy with you

Galatians 5;16-17  16 What I say is this: let the Spirit direct your lives, and you will not satisfy the desires of the human nature. 17 For what our human nature wants is opposed to what the Spirit wants, and what the Spirit wants is opposed to what our human nature wants. These two are enemies, and this means that you cannot do what you want to do

The devil can strategically lure you into thinking your position you hold in church, your church attendance and once a while giving to the poor is the best you can offer to God and a higher level of commitment is preserve for certain category of people. The devil will make you think going all out for God is not an option and you will miss out of the fun in the world if you go all out for God, he will make you take compromising decisions  and make you shy to confess your faith to people around you. The devil will limit you and dictate to you the extent of the relationship he wants you to have with your creator. This makes you dry and powerless by this you can not experience Jesus wholly because the Holy spirit is not having His way fully

Revelation 3 :16 But since you are lukewarm and not hot or cold, I’m going to spit you out of my mouth.

You can quote scriptures and have knowledge about God’s Word but the application of it will be a burden to you. It doesn’t matter how long you have been a Christian for, it is the impact of the word of God in your life that matters.

Lukewarm Christians are so gullible, predictable and shallow to the extent that the devil uses them to make a statement to mock God. The grace and power given to all Christians lies dormant within them and the devil tosses such Christians around as and when he pleases. 

It is just a matter of time the devil whose intention is to steal your from God, destroy and  kill your God’s given destiny and lead you to hell will be done with you and when all is said and done you will give account  to your creator on how you lived here on earth.


Heavenly Father as we repent and submit our ways to your word, may we receive power over our flesh and may we experience a different dimension of You. God we pray for wisdom to break the power of the devil over my life and may our life be pleasing unto you   in Jesus’s name we pray AMEN

Be Christfullness

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