We all have 24 hours, 7 days a week and 12 months a year but the opportunities presented to us are not distributed equally and sometimes there is a tendency to feel cheated, jealous or discouraged when we see or hear of other people’s success or achievement.

Normally the mistake some of us Christians make is to compare our race and destiny to others but we forget that: the path God chooses for us to fulfil our purpose on earth differs from each other and comparing your race to others simply means you don’t trust God enough to perfect the things that concerns you.

There is time and seasons for everything on earth, so whiles in your waiting season, maximize the season by doing what the Holy spirit has led you to do. Don’t waste the time away by getting emotional and anxious all day.

Let Him be the peace in your storm. Find comfort in the fact that He has your back you and He can never be too late for the appointed time

See your waiting period as God’s time to get you prepared for your blessing. Even the miracle you are expecting needs grace to be maintained. Your anxiety and negative emotions in your waiting season will not allow you to prepare and trust God’s process and timing. During this waiting period this is where the devil play with our minds the most because he wants us to give up on God promises and doubt God capabilities

The bible says Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
I encourage you today to build up your faith and fix your eyes on Jesus, the founder and the perfecter of your faith

Galatians 6: 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Believe God for the grace to wait upon Him and whiles in your waiting period do not murmur but continue to avail yourself to be led by the Holy spirit.

 No matter how events keep turning out, know the God you have entrusted my life into , so far as you have totally surrender to Him and you are being led by the Holy Spirit God will surely come through for you, His timing and plans are perfect.

Father Lord, as your children are going through challenging times in their lives, show them the way to go, may their faith in You be strengthen and may they not compromise with their walk with You. May every lesson that we are supposed to learn whiles we are going through these trying times be learnt in Jesus’ Name AMEN

Be Christfullness

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