The Bible says in Proverbs 14 :12“there is a way that seems right to a man but the end of the way is death”. Do not be deceived by the devil, know the truth and the truth will set you free. You can be entangled in series of lies, confusion and shame that you begin to lose focus of the way.

Do not be misled, Jesus Christ is the only way. There are so many believes and faith that distract us from the way (Jesus). Other traditions and cultures, which sometimes looks harmless has portrayed Jesus Christ as “a way” instead of “the way”. Keep your eyes on Jesus, for He is the truth, the Way and the life. (John 14 :6)

 Look deep down your heart, if you have honestly  made Jesus Christ ” a way” or “the way” . For a glorious eternity, accept Jesus and make Him the way. Forgo all the theories and fallacies and seek Jesus. Be reminded that heaven and hell is real and there comes a day, where the world will be no more and depending on the path you chose, heaven or hell will be your new normal.

Jesus is not an option, but He is the Only way. The keys of Heaven have been given to Him and your faithlessness in Him will never change the truth and fact the He Jesus Christ is the only WAY.

The path to the way is to accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Savor, believe in Him and confess with your mouth. Ensure that your confession and believes must proceed with actions. Actions that will reflect and reveal Jesus Christ in you, actions that Christ will be pleased with and action that will lead to intentional decisions to build your spiritual life to be close to Jesus and draw others to Him as well.

Many people including Christians have the motion that once you have the desire to make it to Heaven you are automatically qualified to make it. Others believe that if they confession their faith directly in God almighty or Mary the mother of Jesu and leave Jesus out on the equation, they are good to go.                                                                                                  But be reminded that, Jesus the only begotten son of God Almighty paid the price on the cross of Cavalry with His blood to earn the keys to be the Way. Jesus has merited the authority and power to be the way maker. (John 3 :34-36)

Receive the way, live in the Way and let the path to the way be a lifestyle and Heaven will certainly be you home.



Our Father in heaven, thank you for your revelation, wisdom and direction. Father I pray You will be set free from the deception of the devil that makes me loose focus of the way. Jesus please give me grace to walk and live by faith, may I be led by the spirit, so I will not gratify the desires of my flesh. This and many more I pray in Jesus’ Name AMEN

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