It took me years to realise that my desire is not enough to pursue God’s calling over my life. I knew bible verses, listen to other’s story and I even received straight instructions from God, which I desire to obey but I guess I was too comfortable to move, so I kept falling back.

I prayed so long for God to give me the zeal to please Him, and it looked like the more I prayed the more I felt it was impossible to do what I was suppose to do. There were times I just gave up because, I just couldn’t put myself together to live up to God’s expectations of me.

In a world where there are so many voices, pressure and distraction: even your availability is not enough in fulfilling purpose in life.

As Christians when it comes to anything that has to do with pleasing our God, the devil is always ready to devise schemes to distract us from that path because, he knows that your obedience to God’s word can cause destruction to his kingdom.

Trust me the devil knows the grace and anointing over your life and he knows the impact your obedience can have on generations, if he allows you.

So, to keep you off track God’s will, he devises ways to cripple you with the fleeting pleasures of the world or distract you with problems that Jesus has already overcome on the cross.

God doesn’t force His will on you he watches you closely till you are ready to resist the devil and put him in his place.

Your desires will have to be translated into the commitment for the Holy Spirit to takeover . Commitment starts with the heart, once you put your heart into what God has called you to do, your whole being will align with it. When you develop passion for that calling ,there are sacrifices involved.

Commitment takes effort. One has to actively make an effort to pursue his or her purpose .You should believe that God has equipped you for the task at hand, so you need to take steps of faith and act. Commit time, prayer and fasting , hear from God, learn, adjust your lifestyle and believe God for success.

Philippians 2: 13: “ For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His pleasure”

Once you are ready to commit your ways to the Holy Spirit, who is our ever present help, He will begin to guide you to the perfect will of God concerning your call.

Surrender all your ways to the Holy Spirit, and He will partner with you in fulfilling your God given destiny. Give room to the Holy Spirit to work on your heart, and stop trying to figure everything out on your own. Partner with the Holy Spirit for the anointing and the glory over your calling.

it is not about what people say or how people receive you but it’s about obedience towards your purpose . Living up to the expectation of God towards your calling, position you to experience God’s glory through the Holy Spirit.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you won’t only be successful but you will be fulfilled .

John 14 : 26 : “But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things in your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you”.


Thank you Father Lord for considering me worthy of your calling. Forgive me for always relying on my strength.
Sweet Holy Spirit, come and work on my heart to understand the weight of my calling. Guide me and instructs me, so I won’t only please man but most importantly be a faithful servant to my Heavenly Father.
This and many more I pray in Jesus name.



Sometime unknowingly to us, majority of our decisions is controlled by what others think about us. We get so desperate to impress, that we move off our purpose. Our entire life can be defined by public opinion to the extend that, we take impulsive decisions.

Weighing things to see if the price is worth the value is a normal part of humans. You don’t want to buy something at a heavy price just to watch it give you problems later. Things may look more attractive to grab but you just don’t hop on it without making a decision to see whether it is worth our attention or not.
We may know the consequences of our actions but we choose to ignore it or hope it turns out better to our favour. Choose the battles you want to fight and analyse if the price to be paid is worth the value.

As part of the devil’s distractive plans, he hides the price (consequences), and makes the offer attractive to have. The world can be too loud to the extent that, we sometimes don’t pay attention or ignore the details of the consequences of our actions before we act.

Proverbs 14 :12 “There Is a way that seems right unto men but the end therefore is the ways of death”

Don’t expose yourself to an influence that is distractive, but be intentional about what action you want to pay attention to. We have the free will to choose but be reminded that there’s consequences to every actions or inactions and ignorance is surely not an excuse to escape from the consequences. We always have the right to choose but we won’t have total control of the consequences of our choices.

The devil, if allowed can blind our eyes and deceive us Into taking actions that doesn’t magnify our Lord. At the expense of our God-given destinies, we seek comfort and enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sins, the results of this is too costly to bare, ignoring the narrow way just because the broad way looks attractive is deadly.

Allow the Holy Spirit to help you discern in your decision making process, not only will you be delivered from expensive mistakes but you will also be in the perfect will of God. Be intentional about the decision you want to take because ignorance is costly and regret is avoidable, so be divinely guided.

Confess to yourself everyday that “ I’ll be productive”, pray for the Holy Spirit to help you stay focus on the right goals, and help you cut all forms of distractions, so you can fix your eyes on Jesus, who will reveal to you the hidden mysteries of the world one which eyes has not seen nether has ears heard .
The devil’s destructive schemes used to prey on your destiny will be uncovered and you’ll surely be set free.

Pray with me
Our God and Heavenly father thank you for your word that has come forth to deliver me from ignorance. Father forgive me for making excuses and not paying attention to making godly decisions. Holy spirit I ask that, You influence my life and renew the right spirits within me. Lead me in taking godly decisions and bring me into God’s perfect will. This and many more I pray in the mighty name of Jesus.


Lest I Forget

The only thing God cannot do is to worship Himself, that is why you and I were created. Worship does not have to be only through music but it’s a lifestyle. Worship is honouring God and giving Him reverence above everything. Our daily actions and words as Christians, always has to be an act of worship.

Maybe life hasn’t been particularly fare to you, and you feel let down by God because God hasn’t done anything to intervene and because of this, you think there is nothing to be thankful about and God is definitely not worth your honour.
Worship is not about what God has done for you but it’s about: acknowledging His sovereignty, awesomeness, uniqueness and how great and mighty He is. Decide to put yourself in a position, where you forget about what you are going through and admire the handiwork of God.

The omnipresent, the omnipotent and the omniscience God, He has, is and will always be the mighty King of kings, greater than any other gods . For none, I mean none can be compared to Him. All these so called gods, people have empowered cannot out power our Almighty God. That’s being said: Worship is a lifestyle, so leave every single minute worshipping God’s greatness.

Psalm 66 1-4 “ Make a joyful noise unto God, all you lands. 2. Sing forth the honour of His name: make His praise glorious.3 Say unto God, how awesome are you in your works! Through the greatness of your power, shall your enemies submit themselves unto you. 4.All the earth shall worship you, and shall sing unto you : they shall sing to Your name. Selah”

Don’t let the problems of this world rob you the opportunity to be intentional and unintentional about screaming the awesomeness of our mighty God. For He is good and worthy of our praise. Don’t be in a hurry to always ask God to bless you with the things He knows you need and has already made provision even before you realise you need it.

Take sometime out to shower praises on Him, for who He is because He deserves it. Make Him feel special through your words and actions. Defy all odds and go that extra mile from the depth of your soul to worship Him for who He truly is not what He can do for you.
Think about all His attributes and worship him.

Meditate on His word and sing His praise daily . Count your blessings one by one and declare His name to the world.
Amidst challenges remember who He is ,bust into laughter, give Him a worship dance, look up to the sky and wink at Him, knowing He got you always.

Pray with me

Our Lord and heavenly father, I thank you for this word, Father thank you for the opportunity to be alive to worship You, please forgive me if I have taken You for granted and also forgive me for allowing problems to sink in too deep to the point where I forget to acknowledge You for who You are you. Father,please give me the grace to always acknowledge and praise your glorious name and be grateful always. This and many more I pray in the name of Jesus .Amen



How do I start? Why is life so complicated? I thought I heard clearly from God to pursue this dream?
My strength is failing, I am weary and I am loosing it. JESUS HAVE YOUR WAY

Humans have the natural tendency to pursue success. We always want to live a fulfilling and accomplished life but when things get tough, we tend to think that :success is guaranteed for some specific people and we give up.

As born-again Christians, our narrative can differ, only if we are truly looking up to Jesus for help. Jesus is our ever-present help in times of need, our calm and peace in the midst of the fear and anxiety and our hope during the tough and wretched moments of our lives.

Move at Jesus’ pace. Focus on Him a day at a time. Commit everyday into His hands whiles you do your part. He will direct and guide your every step to success
Psalm 37 :5 “Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass”
Psalm 55 :22 “Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken”.
Commit your ways to the Lord and He will establish you and bring you to an expected end. His ways are not our ways and thoughts are not our thoughts but be rest assured that our God Almighty is too faithful and able to set you up for failure.

Always imagine Jesus holding your hands through the tough times and have faith that He will never leave or forsake you. As you keep praying, believing, confessing and genuinely waiting on Jesus, He will give you wisdom, strength, right helpers and all the physical and spiritual backing you need for the task before you.

He knows your weakness and limitations that is why He said: ‘it finished’, so be encouraged that you are starting from the finished line with great cloud of witnesses cheering you on, with a daily supply of help from the King of kings.

On your journey with Jesus, you may not know when but trust His timing, you may how but trust His process.

Pray With Me

Our Lord and Heavenly Father thank you for the hope I have in You, am grateful for your finished work on the cross. Father, am sorry for all the times I have doubted you. My prayer today is for You to increase my Faith in you, so I will trust your processes and timing. This and many more I pray in the name of Jesus.




You know that feeling, when a loved one is so close but yet far? That persistent desire where you badly want to be close to someone but there are so many factors that put limitations on the relationship. You know what they say; a healthy relationship can be establish if the parties involved are willing to invest time and effort into it.

As Christians, our relationship with God depends on how far we are willing to get close to Him, because God doesn’t force His will on us. The good news is that: we have a father and a friend in God, and He is ever ready to draw close to us, if we are willing to surrender to Him.

The devil can make us weak spiritually, to the extent that, we lose the desire and strength to reaching out for God or we become indifferent about the things of God. There have been times in my life, where I did spiritual checkups and realize that there was something missing in my walk with God, those are times I immediately ask the Holy spirit to deliver me from any form of limitations ,revive and increase the first love zeal to yearn for my heavenly Father.

The decision depends on you, if you want to restore the broken fellowship with God. Just like the prodigal son in Luke 15: 11-32, he made a decision to turn back to his father and having a father who no matter the depth of your mistakes, is willing to accept you just as you are. God has His arms always widely open to give you that warm welcome.

No matter how far you have gone, Jesus has already paid for your journey back to God. God is not surprise by your mistakes and He hasn’t given up on you yet, so therefore take that intentional step to turn back to Him and He will see you through your comeback journey.

Mind you, the decision to turn back to God will definitely be fought by the devil, the devil will never make that choice easy. He will distract you, just to ensure that you either loose interest or keep you desiring but not taking any significant steps in drawing close to God.

With The help of the Holy Spirit, turn away from the fleeting pleasures of sin, break loose from the weakness of the flesh, resist the temptation of the devil, and he will flee. And don’t be deceived, acknowledgement of your mistakes(sins) is a step but turning away from it in true repentance is the real deal.

Pray with Me
My Lord and Heavenly Father thank you for your love and mercies towards me, Father I acknowledge I have gone far from you and I pray you restore to me the joy of my salvation and renew the right Spirit within me. Holy Spirit,please influence my decisions in Jesus’ name. AMEN



As nature, religion and science have it, based on what you give out is what comes back to you. The outcome of your life will greatly depend on your investment and sacrifices you have made in the past.

Imagine a situation where you sow an orange seed and you reap a mango fruit (which you are probably may be allergic to) after a long wait. What are your expectations and what effort are you putting in to ensure the expected returns?

In this post, seeds are anything, effort or words you put out there. Just like a farmer is responsible for the outcome of his crops, he protects and nature it to ensure a bountiful harvest, so are we responsible for every action and words we put out there. We should be mindful that: what every we sow we will surely reap. Think of what every you do as seed you are sowing.

In science, the Newton 3rd law of motion can be applied to life, as we pay keen attention to 2 Corinthians 5 10.

2 Corinthians 5 10 “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive compensation for his deeds done through the body, in accordance with what he has done, whether good or bad”

As a Christian, with the help of the Holy spirt, you should be able to discern, be selective and intentional about what seed you want to sow. The fact that your background and culture allow ungodly seeds or the people you look up to are sowing ungodly seeds doesn’t mean you should do the same, maybe the impact of those seeds didn’t affect them as much as it will affect you.

Sowing negative seeds may not be harvested immediately or not by you but think of your love ones who might be a victim of what you sown in the past.

Is unfortunate how, today’s generation would always want to reap a harvest, they have not sown. They ignorantly waist away their sowing time and expect a harvest they have not sacrifice, which by so doing they go to any ungodly extent to make it happen.

With Prayers and the help of the Holy Spirit, your choices will be guided for a glorious outcome. Yes! the Bible says grace abound but you can’t continue to sow demonic seeds, because the blood of Jesus is speaking on your behalf. Be reminded that sometimes the harm can be undone and we have to face the consequences here on earth and after all is said and done you will give account to your Creator. I


Seeds represents your words or actions .

Soil represents the people around you or environment

Water represents the Word of God

Right Temperature represents the Holy Spirit

Ensure that your environment (soil) does not affect your action(seed) negatively but with the help of the word of God (Water) and guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Right temperature) be the light that draws people to Jesus Christ.

Distractions, lies, fear, weariness, and faithlessness are all schemes of the devil to stop you from sowing the right seeds or distract your seed with weeds.

Never give up in sowing good seeds, because in due time you will reap the harvest. Know that God will never set you up for failure.

Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”.

Pray with Me.

Our Lord and heavenly Father, thank you for your word that has come forth to shape me and lead me. I am grateful for always delivering me from temptation and evil, I pray for a receptive heart and renewed mind to please you. God give me grace to not give up in sowing godly seeds, this and many more I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Avail To Be Revealed

Yes, salvation is a free gift and a free will invitation. The bible entreats us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling . Working out your salvation simply means putting every weight of sin behind you to focus on Jesus and living every second by faith. The simple definition of Faith is believing that God can, trusting that He will and acting like it.

Processes of Faith

1. Hearing the word of God.

2. Believing God’s word that has come forth to you.

3. Taking steps on what you have heard and believed.

You may have good intentions and a desire to walk in faith but if the Holy spirit does not help you with it, it will be impossible. Living in Faith comes with a lot of personal sacrifices and the adoption of new Godly lifestyles.

Though we serve an omnipresent, Omniscience and Omnipotence God, let us keep it in mind that our God also works with principles and order. Play your part by giving yourself wholly to God and let Him take over from there.

As you advance in your relationship with God, you will begin to experience different dimensions of Him, the supernatural and the deep mysteries of God will be revealed to you.

By availing yourself, the Holy spirit begins to influence your decisions which will result in supernatural revelations. In the process, your calling in life becomes clear to you, whiles you begin to discover new talents, both physical and spiritual gifts and grace for greater exploits in life.

You can decide to harden your heart or avail yourself to the supernatural and great wonders of our God Almighty, but be mindful that: there are consequences to whichever decision you take . When all is said and done, we will all give account to our Maker on our life spent here on earth which our eternity depends greatly on.

2 Corinthians 5:10 “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil’.

God I Am At Your Disposal.

I. Avail yourself to God’s invitation to salvation (Romans 10:9)

II. Avail yourself to redeem lost opportunities (Exodus 9 :16).

III. Avail yourself to the supernatural experiences and God’s mysteries (Ephesians 3:3-4)

IV. Avail yourself to be delivered from carnality. (Ephesians 2 :3)

V. Avail yourself to the chance to spend eternity in heaven. (1 John 2 :17)

VI. Avail yourself to be used by God’s to help others. (Philippians 2:4)

VII. Avail yourself to be led by the Holy spirit. (John 14:26)

VIII. Avail yourself to God’s word. (1 Peter 3:18)

IX. Avail yourself to grow spiritually (Hebrews 6:1)

X. Avail yourself to be blessed by God. ( James 1 ;17)

Availing yourself is an active action not a passive one. One must be very be intentional and stay committed to it for the Holy spirit to take total control of your life. The decision is yours to make, avail to be revealed.


Our heavenly Father, thank you for Your Word that has come forth. Father Lord I repent from my hardened heart and I avail myself to your glory and works. Jesus I can not do it by myself, stir up the desire and zeal within me, so I can trust and obey. Holy Spirit please take charge of my life and deliver me from the devil’s deceptions and distractions. May I stay focus on you and trust your process always.

This and many more I pray in Jesus Name Amen.



The Bible says in Proverbs 14 :12“there is a way that seems right to a man but the end of the way is death”. Do not be deceived by the devil, know the truth and the truth will set you free. You can be entangled in series of lies, confusion and shame that you begin to lose focus of the way.

Do not be misled, Jesus Christ is the only way. There are so many believes and faith that distract us from the way (Jesus). Other traditions and cultures, which sometimes looks harmless has portrayed Jesus Christ as “a way” instead of “the way”. Keep your eyes on Jesus, for He is the truth, the Way and the life. (John 14 :6)

 Look deep down your heart, if you have honestly  made Jesus Christ ” a way” or “the way” . For a glorious eternity, accept Jesus and make Him the way. Forgo all the theories and fallacies and seek Jesus. Be reminded that heaven and hell is real and there comes a day, where the world will be no more and depending on the path you chose, heaven or hell will be your new normal.

Jesus is not an option, but He is the Only way. The keys of Heaven have been given to Him and your faithlessness in Him will never change the truth and fact the He Jesus Christ is the only WAY.

The path to the way is to accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Savor, believe in Him and confess with your mouth. Ensure that your confession and believes must proceed with actions. Actions that will reflect and reveal Jesus Christ in you, actions that Christ will be pleased with and action that will lead to intentional decisions to build your spiritual life to be close to Jesus and draw others to Him as well.

Many people including Christians have the motion that once you have the desire to make it to Heaven you are automatically qualified to make it. Others believe that if they confession their faith directly in God almighty or Mary the mother of Jesu and leave Jesus out on the equation, they are good to go.                                                                                                  But be reminded that, Jesus the only begotten son of God Almighty paid the price on the cross of Cavalry with His blood to earn the keys to be the Way. Jesus has merited the authority and power to be the way maker. (John 3 :34-36)

Receive the way, live in the Way and let the path to the way be a lifestyle and Heaven will certainly be you home.



Our Father in heaven, thank you for your revelation, wisdom and direction. Father I pray You will be set free from the deception of the devil that makes me loose focus of the way. Jesus please give me grace to walk and live by faith, may I be led by the spirit, so I will not gratify the desires of my flesh. This and many more I pray in Jesus’ Name AMEN

Be Reminded Of The Prime Mover

Just like Nehimiah in the bible, you are being mocked, confused and judged for an assignment God has laid on your heart. The devil can make you feel so over whelm that you begin to doubt if God has really given you that assignment.

The fact that God has laid a vision on your heart, doesn’t mean it’s going to be an easy seal. Nehemiah 2: 1-20

God has to groom and take you through the processes and systems concerning your assignment or calling. He has to spiritually and physically prepare you,so you can build a stamina to handle and be faithful to the assignment to the end.

Sometimes the price to be paid in fulfilling your assignment is rejection, hours of prayers and diligently seeking the face of God, falling and raising, confusion, fear etc.,but know that through it all, God will not forsake you and besides,He knows you can handle it because He promised He will not give you more than you can’t handle . The devil will not stop attacking you just because you have heard from God. But be rest assured that the Prime mover will always have your back and you will win.

In the case of Nehemiah, he was 100% sure that God has given him that assignment, the opposition from Sanballat and Tobiah never moved him,even for a minute. After hearing from God concerning his God -given assignment, he braced himself to what lies ahead, keeping it in mind that God is the Prime mover.

To others and sometime yourself, the God-given assignment may sound funny or looks impossible or difficult. But remember once it has been given, it has nothing to do with your emotions because the Prime mover is in charge.

Perhaps you are emotionally drained, because you are focused more on what you can do other than what God has do through you. if you avail yourself wholly, be rest assured that God will not do anything to set you up for shame and failure.

That assignment is meant to influence and accomplish lives, you may not know what exactly you are doing but the Prime mover, has everything figured out and things will begin to fall in place if you continue to trust and obey.

Don’t underestimate the vision, because your seemingly one little act of disobedience can cause catastrophe to an entire generation or a community.

The devil can also deceive you into thinking that if you don’t own up to your assignment, God the Prime mover will appoint someone else to do it, Yes God can, but think of it this way ,why did God appoint you in the first place?,why was the vision and grace given to you such in a time like this Instead of someone else?.

God’s way is definitely not our ways.Avail yourself for God to work through you and believe that the glorious hands of God is on you and He will surely give you success.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for divine selection, Father am grateful that You have not given up on me. Lord I pray for forgiveness for all the times I have taken you for granted and ignored your grace over my life, I pray you set me free from the deception of the devil and put me back on course, renew my mind and enlighten my for what lies ahead. This and many more I pray in Jesus’ name Amen.



Is unfortunate how we can get too familiar with a blessing we prayed years for,to a point where we begin to complain or mishandle it. Irrespective of what you are going through now,the same zeal and thirst you used in desiring for a particular blessing should be used to appreciate and value that blessing at all times. Proverbs 10: 22 “The blessing of the LORD makes rich, and he adds no sorrow.

Sometimes, God has to intentionally delay the answers to our prayers, so He can take us through the processes of being a good steward of a greater blessing. Based on your unfaithfulness with previous blessing, God can decide to put your next blessing on hold till He thinks you are ready to handle it.

Luke 16 :10 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities”.

God will first of all,nuture you by giving you wisdom, grace and spiritual qualities, so you can be mature enough to handle and cherish every moment of that blessing you are looking for.

Be reminded that: the blessings you are taking for granted is someone’s fasting and prayer topic, it is the heartfelt desire of someone’s who is more deserving than you. So having that blessing should be a privilege and should be celebrated and honored each minute.

Christians should be mindful of using our blessings as an excuse for why our God’s giving assignments and duties for the kingdom of God cannot be accomplished. Our blessings are supposed to be a testimony that will compliment us and encourage others but not to compete with the things of God.

We should also see to it that our blessings does not take us away from the presence of God, may we not grow cold and dry and eventually backslide because of our blessings, be on guard because the devil can use your blessing as an opportunity to lure you into taking compromising decisions, till you become a lukewarm Christian and eventually backslide Be reminded

Today, search deep in your heart, what blessing are you so familiar with, that you are taking for granted? Is it your business, marriage, children, ministry, good health etc.? Instead of complaining, thank God for the opportunity and blessings to be a steward of every blessing you have. The seemingly challenging part of you blessing doesn’t make it a curse but rather pray for grace, strength, anointing and wisdom to become a good steward.

Repent and renew your mind about a blessing you have taken for granted, begin to place value on as you prepare yourself physically and spiritually for a bigger blessing. If you say, it is the doing of the Lord, then it should be marvelous in your eyes every second.


Thank you, Father Lord, for your blessings and love for me. Father, I pray you forgive me for all you blessings and opportunities I have taken for granted and I pray for grace, strength, anointing and wisdom to become a good steward of all your blessings, in Jesus name AMEN.
